Health tips By Abi

Neither walking nor running these are the three easiest exercises to lose weight after 50

While walking and running are commonly recommended activities to stay fit, especially as you get older, there are more effective and simple alternatives to lose weight. Physical exercise As we get older, it can become increasingly difficult to lose weight, and this change is much more evident once you reach 50 years of age, when the female body undergoes various changes that cause weight gain. This fact, added to the fact that the metabolism is slower, the body does not respond in the same way to diets or physical exercise, making it increasingly difficult to lose extra pounds. These changes are normal, so instead of getting depressed about them, you should look for alternatives to be able to achieve your goal of losing weight calmly and through three easy routines. After the first half century of life, it is a good time to start practicing sports, especially if it is a low-impact sport, which allows you to avoid adverse physical changes, while improving your mood and the ailments of menopause. [This is how you should take care of your skin after 50 years: advice from the experts] In any case, during this stage of life it is essential to know how to listen to the body, learning to recognize what the body asks for at each moment and to give it all the care it may need to obtain the best results and a good state of fitness. All this is possible through three simple exercise routines that everyone can start working on. Exercise your abdomen To start losing weight after 50 years of age it is necessary to start by exercising your abdomen, one of the places in the body where the most fat accumulates, especially at an advanced age. To prevent this from happening, you should work on the area, and planks are especially useful for this, as they exercise different muscles, including the abdominals, shoulders, hips and lower back. You can do different varieties to adapt to different levels depending on your physical condition. It is very important to keep the muscle working at all times, and it is recommended to do five repetitions of only 15 seconds and rest between them as long as necessary to recover your strength. If you are in better shape, you can increase the duration of the exercise to 30 seconds. Afterwards, you will continue the routine with three sets of 15 repetitions of leg raises, for which you only have to lie face up on the floor, with your arms close to your body and raise your legs together until you create a 90-degree angle. Finally, sit in a chair with your back straight, inhaling and pulling in your abdomen to repeat the position 20 times for three seconds. Strengthening the glutes Another ideal routine for losing weight after 50 years of age is the one that consists of strengthening the glutes. To start with it, you should do squats, the quintessential exercise for this part of the body, doing three sets of 10 repetitions, resting between them enough so that you have enough energy to be able to continue with the physical exercise. [How many minutes a day should you walk after 50? This is what the experts say] Next, you continue with the gluteal bridge exercise, doing a total of 20 repetitions in this case. To do this, you have to lie down with your arms stretched out beside your body and bend your knees, while fully supporting yourself on the soles of your feet. While you squeeze your glutes, you should raise your hips, to give a small bounce up and then down. After resting, repeat the exercise a second time. To finish off your glute strengthening routine, you will need to do an isometric leg extension for a period of about 20 seconds. To do this, you just need to stand with your back against a wall and bend your knees. Then, you will need to put one leg forward, holding this position without moving for a set amount of time. When you have finished, you will get off and rest until you have enough energy to do the same with the other leg, which is an exercise that also helps to improve your balance. Arm toning The third simple routine that you can put into practice to lose weight has to do with arm toning. You can do this without weights, which you can comfortably achieve in your own home, which will also allow you to get rid of flaccidity. To start, you will have to do three sets of 10 repetitions of triceps dips. To do this, you must sit on the floor, with your back to a chair, resting your hands on its edge with your fingers pointing towards your body and your knees bent at 90 degrees. From this starting position, you must fully stretch your arms, making your shoulders in line with your wrist and elbows, proceeding to lower your body in a controlled manner until the upper part of your arm is parallel to the floor, and then reverse the movement, always with control. Then you will have to do the reverse plank, placing yourself on the floor with your legs extended, placing your hands slightly behind you with your fingertips facing you and pressing on your palms to lift your hips and torso, hold the position for 15 seconds and repeat three times. To finish, do the so-called Superwoman, which consists of lying down facing downwards with your limbs extended, then raising your arms, chest, shoulders and legs and holding them up, but with your abdomen on the floor. Squeeze your glutes and palms facing the floor, then lower your back to the initial position. Do two sets of 10 repetitions.